Building healthy ecosystems and helping individuals flourish is our expertise!

We partner closely with local organizations to ensure sustainable outcomes that last well beyond the scope of our project, program or training.

We set our clients up for success by identifying obstacles and creating access to resources. We believe that all individuals should be able to be entrepreneurs or meet their personal goals regardless of race, gender, religion, age, etc.

We do work we love. And we love it because it changes lives, grows economies and makes lasting, impactful change.

Lana Zumbrunn CEO & Cofounder

Lana Zumbrunn
CEO & Cofounder

Mitchell Robertson Cofounder

Mitchell Robertson


Our Process



Examination of the process and path to starting and scaling business within an area. Specific attention to barriers and biases prohibiting access to resources for the entirety of the population.



Strategy formation with an integrated approach to building and enabling ecosystems for growth by putting entrepreneurs at the center and creating ownership among stakeholders in the local community.



Design and implement systems creating equitable access to resources and promoting a culture of product testing and customer focus.



Practical training tailored to needs and goals identified in the strategy for the entrepreneurial framework and individual contributors within it.



Continually assess outcomes directly corresponding to the implementation of strategy designed to address the gaps within the market and iterate to ensure exceptional results.


Some of the Companies We’ve
Worked With
